This guide explains how to launch the Elasticsearch backend and Argilla Server using docker
. Please check the setup and installation section to understand other options.
First, you need to create a network to make both standalone containers visibles between them. Just run the folowing command:
docker network create argilla-net
Setting up Elasticsearch (ES) via docker is straightforward. Simply run the following command:
docker run -d --name elasticsearch-for-argilla --network argilla-net -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m" -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e ""
This will create an ES docker container named โelasticsearch-for-argillaโ that will run in the background.
To see the logs of the container, you can run:
docker logs elasticsearch-for-argilla
Or you can stop/start the container via:
docker stop elasticsearch-for-argilla
docker start elasticsearch-for-argilla
Keep in mind, if you remove your container with
docker rm elasticsearch-for-argilla
you will loose all your datasets in Argilla!
For more details about the ES installation with docker, see their official documentation. Also, you can visit the docs for other platforms installation.
We recommend ES version 8.5.x to work with Argilla.
Argilla Server and UI#
You can use vanilla docker to run our image of Argilla Server. First, pull the image from the Docker Hub:
docker pull argilla/argilla-server
Then simply run it.
Keep in mind that you need a running Elasticsearch instance for Argilla to work.
By default, the Argilla server will look for your Elasticsearch endpoint at http://localhost:9200
But you can customize this by setting the ELASTICSEARCH
environment variable.
docker run --network argilla-net -p 6900:6900 -e "ELASTICSEARCH=http://elasticsearch-for-argilla:9200" --name argilla argilla/argilla-server
By default, telemetry is enabled. This helps us to improve our product. For more info about the metrics and disabling them check telemetry.
To find running instances of the Argilla server, you can list all the running containers on your machine:
docker ps
To stop the Argilla server, just stop the container:
docker stop argilla
If you want to deploy your own Elasticsearch cluster via docker, we refer you to the excellent guide on the Elasticsearch homepage.